
The physics of surfaces and interfaces plays a great role in the development of new materials. The macroscopic phenomena and the properties specific to surfaces such as superficial tensions, adhesion forces and chemical reactivity derive from the electronic structure of solids. Massive technological improvements in terms of microscopy and of photoemissions currently enable the observation of single atoms and refine our knowledge of electronic states and transportation. This is notably true regarding the two-dimensional periodically structured surfaces of metals and semiconductors. Furthermore, the current power of processors enables the accurate simulation of the quantic behaviour of electrons within the matter and on surfaces.
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Jean-Marc THEMLIN: Doctor of Physical Sciences - Professor at Aix-Marseille University - Researcher at IM2NP – Institut Matériaux Microélectronique Nanosciences de Provence – UMR CNRS 6242
Most of the physico-chemical properties of solid materials - electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal - as well as their equilibrium crystal structure, derive from their electronic structure, which describes the distribution of electron energy levels within the solid. Modern techniques for calculating electronic structures are generally based on single-crystal solids that are infinite in three dimensions, whereas any real solid is necessarily bounded by a surface. However, at the surface of a solid, the environment of an atom is not the same as in the volume, if only because the atoms at the edge of the solid (i.e. the atoms in the first atomic layer, at the solid-vacuum or solid-atmosphere interface) do not have the same number of first neighbors as in the volume. When the surface is created, some of the chemical bonds of the surface atoms have to be broken, which costs a certain amount of energy (surface tension). The electronic structure in the vicinity of the surface therefore differs more or less markedly from the properties of the volume. Even an ideal surface terminating a truncated volume (surface atoms remaining in the same positions whether or not they are at the edge) can possess specific electronic states (surface states) and manifest multi-electronic effects that differ from the volume. This change in local electronic structure is at the origin of macroscopic phenomena and surface-specific properties, such as surface energy, adhesion forces, chemical reactivity...
In the first instalment of this triple dossier dedicated to the electronic properties of solid surfaces
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Electronic properties of solid surfaces
Specialized surface physics journals
Surface Science https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/surface-science
Progress in Surface Science http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/411/description#description
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