À partir des principes physiques et thermodynamiques qui fondent l’architecture des lanceurs spatiaux, cet article propose une synthèse relative aux nouvelles architectures qui émergent dans le contexte du New Space. En effet, les industriels réalisent et opèrent des véhicules innovants, dans un nouvel équilibre entre maîtres d’ouvrage et maîtres d’œuvre, dans une nouvelle approche du partenariat public-privé. Le présent article fait le point sur les nouvelles technologies, les matériaux, les procédés et les moyens de propulsion qui prennent leur essor dans ce contexte, en les reliant aux fondements de la fuséologie.
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Lire l’articleAuteur(s)
Yves GOURINAT : Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace, Toulouse, France
Annafederica URBANO : Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace, Toulouse, France
Loris MASSONNAUD : Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace, Toulouse, France
Access to space is the major factor determining sovereignty in terms of space exploration and industry. Indeed, while control of payloads is essential to mission accomplishment, the vector is no less indispensable.
Today's developments, grouped together under the term New Space, are the result of a historical evolution characterized by technological and organizational convergence. This type of convergence is not really new. The Apollo program, for example, saw the emergence of both breakthrough technologies (microelectronics) and radically new organizations (matrix structuring of organizations). But the scale of the New Space movement is unprecedented in terms of the rebalancing of the various players in the space industry.
This article describes some of the characteristic features of these current developments, centered around space transportation and the hybridizations underway. It is based on the architectural, propulsion and structural principles of launchers, and proposes an analysis of the prospects opened up by New Space.
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2. The challenges of propulsion
2.1 Rocket motors: liquid, solid, hybrid
How a rocket motor works
Rocket engines play an essential role in space exploration, providing the energy needed to enable a payload to escape the Earth's gravitational pull and propel vehicles into space, using propulsion systems that can dispense with the presence of air. The propulsion systems currently in use can be classified according to the type of energy stored, and can be divided into three main groups: chemical, nuclear and electric propulsion. Electric propulsion can only achieve very modest thrusts, while nuclear propulsion presents safety problems that have prevented its development for access to space. Launchers use chemical propulsion to put satellites into orbit. In this type of propulsion, the heat of reaction released by combustion between an oxidizer and a fuel is transformed into kinetic energy by the expansion of these gases in the nozzle. With chemical propulsion, specific vacuum impulses of the order of 500 s and thrusts of the order of 1,000 kN can be achieved. Chemical propulsion systems are generally grouped into three main categories: solid propellant systems, liquid propellant systems and, more recently, hybrid systems that combine the two.
Thrust and specific impulseAccording to the momentum theorem, and using the notations in figure 5, the total thrust is expressed in newtons is given by the following expression :
with :
- :
- pressure in the combustion chamber [Pa],
- ...?xml>
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The challenges of propulsion
(1) - GIL (D.), ALARY (D.), PASCO (X.), PISOT (N.), TEXIER (D.), TOULZA (S.) - From new space to big space : How commercial space dream is becoming a reality…. - Acta Astronautica. Volume 166, p. 431-443. DOI : 10.1016/j.actaastro.2019.08.031 (2020).
(2) - DURET (F.) - Small and medium launch vehicles to extend the Ariane 5 transportation service. - Acta Astronautica. Volume 40, p. 171-182 (1997).
(3) - HENSON (G.), JONE (C.S.) - III. Chapter 7 : Materials for Launch Vehicle Structures. - P. 435-504. Chapitre de livre. ISBN : 978-1-62410-488-6, DOI :10.2514/4.104893 (2018).
(4) - SUTTON (G.P.), BIBLARZ (O.) - Rocket Propulsion Elements. - Ninth edition. John Wiley & Sons. Definitions and fundamentals. p. 26-44. Chemical rocket propellant performance analysis. p. 154-188. Liquid Propellant. p. 244-270. Solid Propellant Rocket Motor fundamentals. p. 434-490. ISBN 9781118753880 (2017).
(5) - FORTESCUE (P.), SWINERD (G.), STARK (J.) - Spacecraft Systems Engineering. - Third...
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