4. Towards an engineering ethic
4.1 Discourses on technical action
How can we talk about the ethics of engineering, how can we evoke a more philosophical – and sociological – entry into the question, when the world associated with it, that of technology, has for so long been a blind spot in philosophy, an "unthought" to use the words of philosopher Bernard Stiegler . And if technology has been a blind spot for philosophy, what can we say about engineers? So, before concluding this article with a few more concrete ideas and recommendations for engineers and future engineers, we propose a final detour, this time more philosophical...
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Towards an engineering ethic
French ISO 26000 Observatory
UN Sustainable Development Goals (2017)
...Standards and norms
- Code de déontologie des ingénieurs du Conseil national des ingénieurs et scientifiques de France - CNISF - (1996)
- Charte d'éthique de l'ingénieur - IESF - (2001)
- White Paper – Part B. The engineer's ethical responsibility in complex systems - IESF - (2017)
- Charte de l'Ingénieur et du scientifique responsable (ISR) - IESF - (2021)
- Lignes directrices relatives à la responsabilité sociétale...
Decree of May 25, 2016 setting the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma.
DGT circular no. ° 2008-22 on ethical charters, whistle-blowing procedures and internal regulations, Ministry of Labor, Social Relations and Solidarity, November 19, 2008.
Law no. 2001-420...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
French Association of Engineers and Scientists (IESF)
National Engineers Bureau (BNEI)
Commission des titres d'ingénieurs...
Statistical and economic data
Observatoire des ingénieurs – 2014 survey of French engineers and scientists
Conférence des directeurs des écoles d'ingénieurs françaises (CDEFI) – Engineering students and the ethics of their profession (2010)...
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