6. Glossary
Net consumption
Fraction of the volume of surface or ground water withdrawn and not returned to the aquatic environment (river or groundwater), i.e. not discharged after use.
Consommation totale d'eau: total water consumption
Total volume of water that has been withdrawn and can no longer be used for various reasons: evaporation, incorporation into industrial products, direct discharge or other withdrawal from freshwater resources. Water losses due to leakage during transport between the place of abstraction and the place of use, or between different places of use, are not taken into account.
Gross water abstraction
Extraction of water from an underground or surface source, permanently or temporarily, and transport to its place of use.
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SUEZ – Suez Degrémont Memento – 2016 edition, https://www.suezwaterhandbook.fr/ (page consulted July 20, 2016)
INERIS, http://ied.ineris.fr (pages consulted on July 18, 2016)
European Commission, August...
Arrêté du 30 juin 2006 relatif aux installations de traitements de surfaces soumises à autorisation (JO n° 205 du 5 septembre 2006, NOR : DEVP0650366A).
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