Article | REF: GE1019 V1

Wildlife passages: inventory, efficiency and follow-up

Authors: Virginie BILLON, Jean-François BRETAUD, Eric GUINARD, Eric LE MITOUARD, François NOWICKI, Laurence THUILLIER, Olivier PICHARD, Christophe PINEAU, Virginie BILLON, Jean-François BRETAUD, Eric GUINARD, Eric LE MITOUARD, François NOWICKI, Laurence THUILLIER, Olivier PICHARD, Christophe PINEAU

Publication date: August 10, 2021

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2. Wildlife crossings: an effective measure for restoring ecological continuity

The obligation to take ecological continuity into account in public policy through the green and blue framework (TVB) is fairly recent (2009 and 2010). Since then, in accordance with Article L. 371-3 of the French Environment Code, public infrastructure projects (whether or not subject to impact assessment) by the State and local authorities have been required by law to take ecological continuity into account, and to specify the measures to be implemented as part of the "avoid, reduce, compensate" (ERC) sequence. The aim is to avoid losing biodiversity, and even to gain it.

In particular, the State relies on the "national guidelines (ONTVB) for the preservation and restoration to good condition of ecological continuities" adopted by the decree of January 20, 2014. The green and blue framework, defined in Article R. 371-16 of the Environment Code, is made up of the...

2. Regulations

Environmental assessment :

Code de l'environnement (articles R. 121-1 to R. 714-2), Livre I er : dispositions communes (articles R. 121-1 to R. 181-56), Titre II : information et participation des citoyens (articles R. 121-1 to D. 128-19), chapitre II : évaluation environnementale (articles R. 122-1 to R. 122-27), Section 1: impact studies for works, structures or development projects (articles R. 122-1 to R. 122-14), Sub-section 3: content of impact studies (articles R. 122-4 to R. 122-5).

Green and blue fabric :

Code de l'environnement – Legislative part (articles L. 110-1 to L. 713-9), Livre III: espaces naturels (articles L. 300-1 to L. 371-6), article L. 300-1, article L. 300-2, article L. 300-3, article L. 300-4, Titre VII: trame verte et trame bleue (articles L....

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Wildlife crossings: an effective measure for restoring ecological continuity