4. Some examples of optimizing overall water management
Good overall water management on an industrial site enables :
reduce water costs;
reduce discharge volumes and thus protect the environment;
reduce wastewater treatment costs;
to cope with any water supply restrictions.
4.1 In microelectronics
The microelectronics industry has to cope with ever-increasing water consumption, with ever-increasing costs per m 3 of water; this is why rigorous water management in this type of industry is fundamental to the long-term viability of production sites; water-saving actions can be envisaged in the two classic categories:...
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Some examples of optimizing overall water management
SUEZ – Suez Degrémont Memento – 2016 edition, https://www.suezwaterhandbook.fr/ (page consulted July 20, 2016)
INERIS, http://ied.ineris.fr (pages consulted on July 18, 2016)
European Commission, August...
Arrêté du 30 juin 2006 relatif aux installations de traitements de surfaces soumises à autorisation (JO n° 205 du 5 septembre 2006, NOR : DEVP0650366A).
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