6. Conclusion
Knowledge of the nature and concentrations of indoor air pollutants has been refined over time, thanks to national and international measurement campaigns in different types of indoor environments (housing, schools, nurseries, offices, transport, public places, etc.), as well as studies carried out in response to reports of discomfort and health problems in enclosed spaces. In addition, the development of low-cost microsensors has enabled us to better understand the dynamics of indoor air pollutants, exposure levels within buildings and the role of pollutant-emitting activities and ventilation practices. Although we have a number of high-performance measurement tools at our disposal, some of them still require further study and development to improve their reliability and for more accurate detection of certain volatile chemical compounds. The extreme diversity of indoor air pollutants, whether...
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- (1) - Observatoire de la qualite de l'air intérieur - http://www.oqai.fr
- (2) - SQUINAZI (F.) - Les polluants physicochimiques de l'air intérieur : sources et impacts sanitaires....
Standards and norms
- AFNOR. Indoor air, ambient air and workplace air – Sampling and analysis of volatile organic compounds by thermal adsorption/desorption tube/capillary gas chromatography. Part 2: Diffusion sampling - NF EN ISO 16017-2 - 2003
- AFNOR. Indoor air – Part 4: Formaldehyde determination – Diffuse sampling method - NF ISO 16000-4 - 2012
- AFNOR. Inside air – Part 18: Mould detection and enumeration – Impaction sampling...
Loi n° 2010-788 du 12 juillet 2010 portant engagement national pour l'Environnement (Grenelle 2). NOR : DEVX0822225L (consolidated version as of October 27, 2021)
Décret n° 2011-321 du 23 mars 2011 relatif à l'étiquetage des produits de construction ou de revêtement de mur ou de sol et des peintures et vernis sur leurs émissions de polluants volatils. JORF n° 0071 of March 25, 2011. NOR : DEVL1101903D...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Interprofessional Federation of Atmospheric Environment Professions (FIMEA)
Small and medium-sized companies with expertise in the various fields of indoor and outdoor air quality http://www.fimea.fr
HQE-GBC Alliance
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