4. Other electricity services
Over the years, the other services provided by the use of electricity have become increasingly important compared to traditional services: lighting, heating and motive power. Developments in electronics have largely contributed to their development. Today, they represent an investment equivalent to, if not greater than, that for traditional uses of electricity.
These "other services" are commonly referred to as :
home automation ;
building automation for the service sector.
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Other electricity services
PROMOTELEC The Official Electricity Company http://www.promotelec.com
French Lighting Association (AFE) http://www.afe-eclairage.com.fr
Standards and norms
AFNOR standards (UTE)
- Postes de livraison établis à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment et alimentés par un réseau de distribution publique HTA (jusqu'à 33 kV). - NF C13-100 - 04*05
- High-voltage electrical installations – Rules. UTE - NF C13-200 - Parution en 2018
- Installations de branchement à basse tension : Règles. - NF C 14-100 - 02-08
- Installations électriques à basse tension :...
Building regulations
Arrêté du 31 janvier 1986 et suivants. Fire protection in residential buildings
Order of August 3, 2016 regulating electrical installations in residential buildings.
Environment and sustainable development
Law of July 19, 1976. Installations classified for the protection of the environment....
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
AFE French Lighting Association
IEC International Electrotechnical...
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