6. Glossary
Dispersion chromatique; Chromatic Dispersion
Time spread of pulses as they propagate through an optical fiber, due to the wavelength dependence of the propagation time. Also known as the chromatic dispersion coefficient in ps.(km.nm) –1 .
DGD (Differential Group Delay)
Difference in propagation time between the two polarizations in a single-mode fiber. Measured in ps.km –1 .
DMD (Differential Mode Delay)
Difference in propagation time between the different propagation modes of a multimode fiber. Depending on specifications, this may be between extreme modes or between neighboring modes. Measured in ps.m –1 .
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Comsol Multiphysics ( https://www.comsol.fr ): modeling and simulation of passive and active optical devices
Fiber Systems : https://www.fibre-systems.com
Lightwave Direct : https://www.lightwaveonline.com
Photonics news : http://optics.org/
Congrès de la Société Française d'Optique, every even-numbered year in France (2018: Toulouse): http://www.sfoptique.org/
ECOC (European Conference on Optical Communications), held every year in Europe (2018: Rome): https://www.ecoc20xx.org where...
Standards and norms
ITU (International Telecommunications Union) recommendations https://www.itu.int :
- Méthodes de test - G 650.2 - 2015)
- Fibres multimodes 50/125 à gradient d'indice - G 651.1 - 2007
- Fibre monomode standard - G 652 - 2016
- Fibre monomode à dispersion décalée - G 653 - 2010
- Fibre monomode...
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Acome (optical cables) : http://www.acome.fr
Corning (optical fibers and cables) : https://www.corning.com
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