9. Conclusion
The proposed gravimetric method is simple to implement but complex to analyze, as many parameters interact.
This article shows that the components related to AVAP handling and those related to ambient conditions during calibration were underestimated in the ISO technical report.
The operating procedures based on the ISO/TR technical report need to be updated to bring them into line with the intercomparisons carried out by LNE, DKD and BIPM.
ISO 8655 is currently being revised, and a new version will probably incorporate the elements...
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This congress, which takes place every two years, has the following objectives:
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Standards and norms
International Organization for Standardization ISO
- Détermination de l'incertitude de mesure pour les mesurages volumétriques effectués au moyen de la méthode gravimétrique - ISO/TR 20461 - 11-00
- Laboratory water for analytical use – Specification and test methods. Identical to ISO 3696 - NF EN ISO 3696 - 09-95
- Oil...
Association française de normalisation AFNOR
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Eppendorf http://www.eppendorf.com/fr/france/about.html
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