Article | REF: P2600 V1

Mössbauer spectrometry

Authors: Jean-Paul EYMERY, Jacques TEILLET

Publication date: July 10, 1994

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4. Conclusion

At room temperature, Mössbauer transmission or reflection spectrometry is a "standard" analysis technique that can be used in any research laboratory, given its ease of experimental implementation and the modest cost of the equipment required. More specific studies at variable temperatures or under an applied magnetic field require additional equipment available in specialized laboratories.

The technique can be used very often, as many industrial solids contain Mössbauer isotopes such as iron. Its main interest lies in its character as a local probe, in volume or on the surface, which provides a wide range of physical or chemical information that is original or complementary to standard "average" techniques such as X-ray diffraction for structural studies, or magnetization for magnetic studies. CEMS investigations of surfaces and interfaces have grown considerably...

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