8. Biophotonics, quantum medicine and electroceutics
Under this heading we have grouped together some very promising techniques which use electronics in very different ways to heal the body or reduce pain. Each of them lifts a part of the veil that still hides the global functioning of the human being. Although the evidence is palpable but not widespread, everyone still wants to know more.
8.1 Biophotonics
Biophotonics, which emerged in France in 1994, is a combination of biology and photonics. This science deals with the generation, manipulation and detection of photons. Photons are quantums of energy which, in their propagation, are associated with an electromagnetic wave.
Biophotonics makes it possible to use light (photons) to analyze and...
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Biophotonics, quantum medicine and electroceutics
Regulations (non-exhaustive list)
Articles R. 6316-1 to R. 6316-9 of the French Public Health Code.
Law no. 2009-879 of July 21, 2009 on hospital reform and patients, health and territories (JORF no. 167 of July 22, 2009).
Decree no. 2010-1229 of October 19, 2010 on telemedicine (JORF no. 245 of October 21, 2010).
Law on the organization and transformation of the...
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