4. Raw tin refining processes
Raw tin extracted from concentrates contains varying quantities of impurities such as Fe, Cu, Pb, As, Sb, Bi and S, which need to be eliminated to meet market requirements. A comparison between the probable ranges of grades encountered and the minimum specifications imposed by the London Metal Exchange provides a quantitative assessment of the objectives targeted by refining (table 4 ). In the case of crude tin from the reductive smelting of rich, clean alluvial concentrates (free of Pb, Cu, Bi and As), refining may be limited to iron removal, and involve only one stage: liquefaction 4.1.1
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Raw tin refining processes
- (1) - BENIUK (V.G.), VADEIKIS (C.A.), ENRAGHT-MOONY (J.N.) - Centrifugal jigging of gravity concentrate and tailing at Renison Limited - (Jiggage centrifuge de concentré gravimétrique et de rejet à Renison Limited). Minerals Engineering (GB) 7, n 5/6, mai 1994, p. 577-89, 5 tabl., 7 fig., bibl. (3 réf.) Elsevier Science Ltd....
Organizations (non-exhaustive list)
International Tin Research Institute Ltd. (ITRI) http://www.itri.com
Centre d'Information de l'Étain (CIE)
Fédération des Chambres Syndicales des Minerais, Minéraux Industriels et Métaux Non Ferreux http://www.mineraux-et-metaux.org/fr/federation/
European standard EN 610 (Dec. 1995)
"Tin and tin alloys - Tin ingots
European Committee for Standardization
Commodities Research Unit Tin Monitor (bimest)
Engineering and Mining Journal (m)
Mémento des Mines et Carrières (ann)
Metals and Minerals Annual Review (ann)
Mining Engineering (m)
Tin International (bimest)
US Geological Survey: Minerals Yearbook (ann) ; Mineral Commodities Summary...
Equipment manufacturers and suppliers (non-exhaustive list)
Dredgers for alluvial mining and floating ore preparation plants: IHC Holland. http:// www.ihcholland.com
Sirosmelt submerged melting furnaces: Ausmelt Ltd. http://www.ausmelt.com.au/
WEB addresses
International Tin Research Institute Ltd.
The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
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