3. Carrying out the inventory, elements to be taken into account
The family of surface treatment processes is vast. The aim of this section is not to give an exhaustive list of all the consumption, emissions and waste generated by each process, but to provide manufacturers with a basis for reflection that will enable them to draw up as complete an inventory as possible.
3.1 Data collection: a difficult task
The data used as a basis for LCA studies are classified according to two types:
primary data are field data, i.e. data specific to a particular actor in the technosphere;
secondary data are generic data, often derived from bibliographic research.
Collecting inventory data is a time-consuming task, requiring...
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Carrying out the inventory, elements to be taken into account
- (1) - - Rapport Brundtland. Fédération international des Institus de Hautes Études, Audience publique de la CMED, OSLO, http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/sites/odyssee-developpement-durable/files/5/rapport_brundtland.pdf...
Software tools
ADEME, Base IMPACTS ® : Base d'indicateurs d'impacts ACV pour l'affichage environnemental des produits de grande consommation. (put online in December 2014), http://www.base-impacts.ademe.fr/
Joint Research Centre Resource Directory. List of databases
http://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ResourceDirectory/faces/databases/databaseList.xhtml (page consulted on August 9, 2017)
Ecoinvent.How to Submit Data
Standards and norms
- - ISO 14000 -
Law n° 2009-967 of August 3, 2009 on the implementation of the Grenelle Environment Round Table. JORF n° 0179 du 5 août 2009 page 13031 texte n° 2 NOR : DEVX0811607L.
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
SCORELCA Association
New Earth/ Social Hotspots Database project
Heat Treatment and Surface...
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