2. Deposit study
For nickel-cobalt, nickel-iron or nickel-molybdenum deposits, we refer the reader to Louis LACOURCELLE's treatise on galvanotechnics
In response to increasing pollution control requirements for processes using hexavalent chromium, a number of alloy deposition processes have been developed, particularly nickel-based (but also cobalt-based). In the case of nickel, Ni-Sn and Ni-W alloys have been developed, although their use is still limited (see
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CAPOL Processes
French organizations
CEFRACOR: French Anticorrosion Centre
C.E.M.: Cercle d'Études des Métaux (Metal Study Circle)
CETIM: Technical Center for Mechanical Industries
IFETS: Institut Français de l'Environnement et des Traitements de Surface (French Institute for the Environment and Surface Treatments)
S.A.T.S.: Syndicat National des Entreprises...
Association française de normalisation AFNOR
- Méthodes d'essai de corrosion des revêtements métalliques et inorganiques sur substrats métalliques. Cotation des éprouvettes et des articles manufacturés soumis aux essais de corrosion (NF A91-023). - NF EN ISO 10289 - Avr. 2001
- Metal corrosion protection – Electrolytic coatings of nickel, nickel plus chromium, copper plus nickel and copper plus nickel plus chromium...
At the time of writing, the use of nickel solutions and their release into the environment in surface treatment plants are subject to the regulations set out in the decree of September 26, 1985 (published in the Journal Officiel of November 16, 1985). This decree defines the maximum permissible concentration of various constituents, such as metal ions (chromium, copper, iron, zinc, cadmium, etc.) and other components (cyanides,...
To find out more about the toxicity of nickel and the measures to take to protect against the risks associated with the use of nickel and its salts, we recommend that you visit the INRS website. http://www.inrs.fr
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