2. Site reconnaissance
2.1 Geology and geomorphology
Some geological formations are renowned for their frequently unstable slopes:
Lias black marls in Lorraine, Burgundy and Aveyron;
Gault clays in Normandy ;
Varved quaternary clays south of Grenoble, etc.
The first step in a slope stability study is to establish the geological structure of the site: nature of the bedrock, thickness of surface formations, presence of faults, etc. It is important that the geological study extends over a wider area than the precise location of the unstable zone. It is important that the geological study extends over a wider area than the precise location of the unstable zone....
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GEO5 v19, distributed by itech 2-8 quai de Bir Hakeim, 94410 Saint-Maurice, France
GEOSTAB, GEOS-INGEROP, 310 Avenue Marie Curie, Bâtiment Europa 2, Archamps Technopole, 74160 Archamps, France
Slope/W 2012, GEO-SLOPE International, 1400, 633 – 6 th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2Y5, Canada.
Website of the joint JTC1 technical committee of the three learned societies ISSMGE (soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering), IAEG (engineering geology) and ISRM (rock mechanics) in charge of natural slopes and landslides (page consulted on June 5, 2015).
International symposia on landslides (see ISSMGE website)
Standards and norms
- Sols. Reconnaissance et essais. Essais à l'appareil triaxial de révolution. Généralités, définitions. - NF P 94-070 - 10.94
- Sols. Reconnaissance et essais. Essai de cisaillement rectiligne à la boîte. Cisaillement direct. - NF P 94-071-1 - 08.94
- Sols. Reconnaissance et essais. Essai de cisaillement rectiligne à la boîte. Cisaillement alterné. - NF P 94-071-2 - 08.94
- Sols. Reconnaissance et essais....
Arrêté du 22 octobre 2010 relatif à la classification et aux règles de construction parasismique applicables aux bâtiments de la classe dite " à risque normal " JORF n° 0248 du 24 octobre 2010 page 19097.
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