6. Glossary
Authentifieur; authenticator
An authenticator is a hardware and software device containing one or more secrets entrusted to a legitimate user for authentication purposes. It combines a physical medium such as a smart card, USB key or smartphone, software and an individual credential.
Crédentiel; credential
A credential is a secret numerical value (or several) that enables the user to provide proof of his or her identity: password, password fingerprint, cryptographic key, certificate, coding table (matrix), mathematical representation of fingerprint, etc. The credential is generally stored on the user's individual physical authentication medium, and in a database of authorized users on the server's side. The credential is generally stored on an individual physical authentication medium on the user side, and in a database...
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Security and information systems conference https://www.lesassisesdelasecurite.com/
SSTIC – Symposium on information and communications technology security https://www.sstic.org/2017/news/
Standards and norms
- Cartes d'identification. Cartes à circuit(s) intégré(s) à contacts. Partie 1 : caractéristiques physiques - ISO/CEI 7816-1 - 1998
- Identification cards. Integrated circuit cards. Part 2: contact cards – Contact dimensions and locations - ISO/CEI 7816-2 - 2007
ANSSI – Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information (French national agency for information systems security)
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