4. Programming with CUDA
Here, we take a brief look at the various features of the CUDA language and its programming. For further information, please refer to the documentation supplied with your CUDA installation.
4.1 Language extensions
CUDA defines a series of keywords used to indicate whether a function is executable in the graphics card (device) or in the CPU (host):
__device__ indicates a function that can be called from the graphics card and executed on the graphics card;
__global__ indicates a function that can only be called from the CPU and executed on the graphics card;
__host__ indicates a function...
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Programming with CUDA
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HARRIS Mark General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware http://gpgpu.org/ (page accessed September 20, 2015). The most important site on the subject with news, forums and tutorials.
NVIDIA Corporation CUDA Zone – The resource for CUDA developers...
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Conference and exhibition: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SuperComputing) http://www.sc-conference.org takes place every year, presenting trends and innovations in high-performance computing.
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