2. HomePNA technology
2.1 Architecture of a HomePNA home network
HomePNA technology reuses existing telephone wiring to transmit high-speed information between all equipment connected to the home network. Equipment such as computers, printers, scanners, telephones, digital TVs,... can transfer data using a single pair of twisted telephonic cables. Each terminal must be equipped with a network card featuring an interface for connection to an RJ-11 telephone socket.
The advantages of a home network are numerous, and lie mainly in the sharing of data, peripherals and the Internet connection between all the equipment on the network.
HomePNA technology uses a bus structure, eliminating the need for repeaters as in the case of a 10Base-T Ethernet network...
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HomePNA technology
Articles on home networking technologies
Powerline technology
CALLIACOUDAS (T.). – High-speed line carrier currents on power lines. 10th Telecommunications Study Days, INSA-Lyon (December 2001) http://jet2001.insa_lyon.fr/programme.htm
Institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE)
IEEE 802 standards are available on the IEEE website.
- Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – LAN/MAN – Specific requirements – Part 3 : Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)...
HomePNA technology has been integrated into a wide range of equipment such as network cards, adapters, pre-configured computers, peripherals, residential gateways... These products are based on specific electronic components developed by companies such as :
AMD – Advanced Micro Device http://www.amd.com
Techfest – Techfest ethernet technical summary
(articles on Ethernet)
ETSI (European...
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