Article | REF: D5540 V1

Railway traction - Equipment operation and safety

Author: Pierre CHAPAS

Publication date: May 10, 2007

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8. Conclusion

Operations and traffic safety are two components of the railway system (see [D 5 510, § 1] ), whose interfaces are increasingly numerous and concern all types of transport: main lines, suburbs, metro, tramway. As soon as the specifications for an operation (new traffic or new line) are drawn up, the design of safety is one of the major arguments used to achieve transport capacity objectives.

As traffic becomes ever denser and faster, so do technologies. Electronics, automation and information technology complement and control human action, not dispense with it.

The major challenge of the present and future will be to achieve interoperability between networks, while guaranteeing a very high level of safety. To this end, European countries have implemented...

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