3. Industrial applications
3.1 General
Infrared radiation has a wide range of applications, covering the whole field of low-temperature heating. Virtually all industrial sectors are concerned, in heating, drying, baking, polymerization, sterilization and other operations.
Infrared is used for three main types of application:
curing and polymerization of coatings on various substrates;
dehydration and drying ;
The following paragraphs provide numerous examples of the products processed. This non-exhaustive inventory will give an idea of the wide variety of applications for this heating process in different industrial sectors....
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Industrial applications
References called in article [D 5 930]
Further reading
Conference proceedings
References called in article [D 5 930]
- - http://www.sudoc.abes.fr
- DENIS (A.) - Étude expérimentale et modélisation du chauffage par rayonnement infrarouge de polymères semi-cristallins. - Institut National des Sciences appliquées Rouen (1995)....
Competent bodies
ADRIA (Association pour le Développement de la Recherche Agroalimentaire). - http://www.adria.tm.fr/home/
CETIAT (Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques). - http://www.cetiat.fr/
CTP (Centre Technique du Papier)....
Manufacturers and suppliers (non-exhaustive list)
Tube suppliers
BRAY - http://www.bray.com/
CETAL - http://www.cetal.fr/
ETIREX Chromalox
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