3. Environment and control
3.1 Pollutant emissions
Pollutant emissions must comply with local or national regulations, which may evolve in line with technological advances, imposing the "Best Available Technology" or BAT.
The pollutants subject to regulation are carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides grouped under the name NO x , sulfur oxides SO 2 . Not directly regulated, but always monitored by manufacturers, are also taken into account the black carbon dust that makes the smoke plume visible and the unburned hydrocarbons (HC) that often accompany high CO emissions. The greenhouse effect, which explains global warming, leads to the limitation of carbon dioxide emissions through emissions permits...
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Environment and control
In Engineering Techniques
- Gas turbine – Acceptance tests - ISO 2314 - 1989
- - ISO 2314 - 1989/Cor 1 : 1997
- pour des installations de puissance à cycle combiné - ISO 2314 - 1989/Amd 1 : 1997
- Gas turbines – Acquisition specifications – Part 1: General introductions and definitions - ISO 3977-1 - 1997
- Gas turbines – Acquisition specifications – Part 2: Normal reference conditions and characteristics - ISO 3977-2 - 1997 ...
ORAP based on EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute http://www.epri.com managed by SPS (Strategic Power System. Inc) http://www.spsinc.com
NERC North American Electric Rehability Concil http://www.nerc.com
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