7. Quality of supply
The quality of electricity supply is an important feature for most players in the electrical energy sector. It encompasses continuity of supply and the quality of the alternating current wave.
7.1 Continuity of supply
Continuity of supply is characterized by the number and duration of supply interruptions. With regard to interruptions, the NF EN 50160 differentiates cuts as shown below:
long interruptions lasting more than 3 minutes with a voltage of less than 1% of the rated voltage;
short interruptions, lasting less than 3 minutes with a voltage of less than 1% of the nominal voltage.
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Quality of supply
- (1) - Collection de la direction des études et recherches d'EDF - La planification des réseaux électriques. - Eyrolles (1984).
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- Installations électriques à haute tension pour les sites de production d'énergie électrique, les sites industriels, tertiaires et agricole - NF C13-200 -
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