2. Construction – Scope (article SG 5)
The "Wind" rules of the DTU "Snow and Wind" are applicable to inflatable structures.
DTU P06-002 defines the effects of snow and wind, and presents the NV 65 rules. These were modified in 2009 to incorporate all published amendments, notably the "Wind" and "Snow" maps and the integration of the Eurocode.
Structures must comprise a single volume. The envelope must be made of category M 2 materials whose reaction to fire classification report has no durability limit.
Materials not on the established list (presented in Box 1) are subject to the accelerated aging tests defined in the Order of November 21, 2002 on the reaction to fire of construction and fitting-out products.
When portholes are provided, they must be made of category M 3 materials, their...
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Construction – Scope (article SG 5)
Also in our database
Standards and norms
- Règles NV 65 - Règles définissant les effets de la neige et du vent sur les constructions et annexes [annulé le 11 juin 2010, remplacé par les normes NF EN 1991-1-3 et NF EN 1991-1-4] - DTU P06-002 - Février 2009
- Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General actions – Snow loads - NF EN 1991-1-3 - Avril 2004
- Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures Part 1-3: general actions – Snow loads – National Annex...
Article R. 3511-6 of the French Public Health Code prohibits smoking in public places.
Arrêté du 25 juin 1980 portant approbation des dispositions générales du règlement de sécurité contre les risques d'incendie et de panique dans les établissements recevant du public (ERP) (Decree of June 25, 1980 approving the general provisions of the safety regulations against the risks of fire and panic in establishments...
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