2. Standardization of technical control activities during the construction phase
Under the terms of article R. 125-18 (1 er paragraph) of the CCH, the mandatory technical inspection covers "the solidity of the works of viability, foundation, framework, enclosure and roofing and the equipment elements which are inseparably linked to these works, as well as the safety conditions of people in the constructions".
However, as technical inspection can also cover, at the client's request, "all other elements of the construction, the execution of which is likely to present particular technical hazards against which the client deems it useful to protect himself" (CCH, art. R. 125-18, 2nd paragraph), AFNOR standard NF P 03-100 of September 1995, in defining the "General criteria for the contribution of technical inspection to the prevention of technical hazards in the construction...
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Standardization of technical control activities during the construction phase
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- Critères généraux pour la contribution du contrôle technique à la prévention des aléas techniques dans le domaine de la construction - NF P 03-100 - Septembre 1995
Decree no. 99-443 of May 28, 1999 on the general technical specifications applicable to public technical inspection contracts.
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