3. Main changes compared to previous practices based on AFD92 rules
While the main principles of bridge design described in the European standard Eurocode 8-2 are broadly in line with the practices inherited from the application of the former PS92 rules, there have been several significant changes compared with these previous design rules. In particular, these changes concern :
representation of the seismic hazard, qualification of soils and site effects;
the introduction of the principle of limited ductility and the "cracked inertia" calculation;
explicit introduction of the principle of capacity sizing ;
zones of application and definition of earthquake-resistant construction provisions;
integration of non-linear calculation methods and special "shock absorber" devices....
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Main changes compared to previous practices based on AFD92 rules
Software tools
SAP 2000 [Software] [CD-ROM] – Computers and Structures, Inc. – University of Berkeley – USA, CA
The earthquake plan: a national seismic risk prevention program
AFPS: French Association for Earthquake Engineering
World Congress on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), held every 4 years
European Earthquake Engineering Congress (ECEE), held every 4 years
Colloque National AFPS, held every four years in Paris
Standards and norms
- Eurocode 8 – Designing structures to withstand earthquakes – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. - NF EN 1998-1 et NF EN 1998-1 NA, AFNOR - 2007
- Eurocode 8 – Designing structures to withstand earthquakes – Part 2: Bridges. - NF EN 1998-2 et NF EN 1998-2 NA, AFNOR - 2007
- Eurocode 8 – Designing structures to withstand earthquakes – Part 5: Foundations, retaining structures...
Décret n° 2010-1254 du 22 octobre 2010 relatif à la prévention du risque sismique – JO du 24 octobre 2010 Texte 2 sur 58 NOR : DEVP0910497D.
Décret n° 2010-1255 du 22 octobre 2010 portant délimitation des zones de sismicité du territoire français – JO du 24 octobre 2010 Texte 3 sur 58 NOR : DEVP0823374D.
Arrêté du 26 octobre 2011 relatif à la classification et aux règles de...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
French Earthquake Engineering Association (AFPS)
Study and proposal group for seismic risk prevention in France (GEPP)
- ...
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