10. Classification of mechanical compression refrigeration cycles
A distinction is made between compression cycles using a single refrigerant, either pure or azeotropic, and those using several refrigerants.
10.1 Single refrigerant or azeotropic compression cycles
10.1.1 Single-stage compression cycle
A single mechanical compression stage is used for cold production at temperatures that are not too low (generally above – 20°C or – 25°C, but also up to – 40°C with certain HFCs such as R 507) and for most heat pumps. Such cycles are extremely widespread....
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Classification of mechanical compression refrigeration cycles
- DUMINIL (M.) - Cours de génie frigorifique. Institut français du froid industriel et du génie climatique. - Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. 1988.
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Refprop http://www.nist.gov/srd/nist23.cfm
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Coolpack https://coolpack.software.informer.com/T%C3%A9l%C3%A9charger/
Alliance Froid Climatisation Environnement (regulations) http://www.afce.asso.fr/
Datafluids (texts on regulated refrigerants) http://www.datafluides.fr
Interclima http://www.interclimaelec.com/
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Annexes to the order of November 19, 2009 published in the Journal officiel no. 298 of December 24, 2009 and in the Bulletin officiel no. 2009-24 in the list of texts published in the Journal officiel NOR: DEVP0927337A (text not published in the Journal officiel).
Décret n° 2011-544 du 18 mai 2011 relatif aux attestations de prise en compte de la réglementation thermique et de réalisation d'une étude...
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Climalife http://www.climalife.dehon.com/
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