Article | REF: NM8155 V1

Toxicity of carbon nanotubes to humans and the environment

Authors: Emmanuel FLAHAUT, Lauris EVARISTE, Laury GAUTHIER, Camille LARUE, Clarisse LINE, Étienne MEUNIER, Florence MOUCHET

Publication date: October 10, 2018

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5. Glossary

Acetylcholinesterase; acetylcholinesterase

Enzymatic activity (hydrolase) that cleaves acetylcholine in the nerve synapses of cholinergic neurons, after the nerve impulse has passed through.

Humic and fulvic acids; Acides humiques et fulviques

Constituents of organic matter, derived from the decomposition of biomass.

Alveoli; alveolus

A pulmonary alveolus is a hollow sac that extends the respiratory tract. Many cell types are present, including alveolar macrophages and pneumocytes (epithelial cells, essential for gas exchange).

Analyse génomique; genomic analysis

Analysis of changes in an organism's DNA.

Analyse protéomique; proteomic analysis

Analysis of all the proteins...

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