2. Main causes of excess pressure
In an industrial unit, the causes and amplitudes of overpressure can be diverse and complex to analyze. When designing or modifying such units, it is important to take into account all circumstances that could reasonably constitute a hazard, and to ensure that devices are in place to ensure that permissible operating parameters are not exceeded, including pressure relief equipment. Standard NF EN ISO 23251 provides relevant analysis elements on this subject.
On LPG depots, the main causes generally identified are as follows:
for storage tanks, abnormal heating due to heat flow (fire, etc.), the heat input of which increases pressure through vaporization of the liquid phase. This situation was taken into account by the decree of November 11, 1972 (using calculation formulas derived from API RP 520). Another situation...
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Main causes of excess pressure
Also in our database
Legislative texts (French administration website) http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr
INERIS. AIDA regulatory database http://www.ineris.fr/aida
SNCT (Syndicat national de la chaudronnerie et de la tuyauterie)
Standards and norms
- Dispositifs de sécurité pour protection contre les pressions excessives - NF EN ISO 4126-1 à 7 -
- Industries du pétrole, de la pétrochimie et du gaz naturel. Systèmes de dépressurisation et de protection contre les surpressions - NF EN ISO 23251 -
- Soupapes de sécurité pour réservoirs GPL - NF EN 14129 -
- Soupapes de sûreté des réservoirs de gaz de pétrole liquéfié (GPL). Équipement auxiliaire...
Decree no. 99-1046 of December 23, 1999 on pressure equipment
Decree of December 21, 1999 on the classification and conformity assessment of pressure equipment
Order of March 15, 2000 on the operation of pressure equipment
BSEI circular no. 06-80 of March 6, 2006 on the conditions for application of the order of March 15, 2000
Technical documentation
INERIS BADORIS : Document de synthèse relatif à une barrière technique – Safety valve – 2007
Manual for the storage of propane and butane. Léon Hérenstein – Société du Journal des Usines à Gaz – 1976
Technical documentation from valve manufacturers
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