3. Anomaly detection, diagnosis and prognosis
3.1 Need
The vibration specialist is sometimes called in after an operating inspection has revealed an anomaly. In such cases, the request is often "Can you carry out an inspection...
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Anomaly detection, diagnosis and prognosis
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BENTLY NEVADA (also offers training courses) http://www.bently.com
SCHLUMBERGER SEMA http://www.slb.com/Hub/Docs/SchlumbergerSema http://www.sema.fr
01 DB STELL http://www.01db-stell.com/01dbstell-soc.htm
BRüEL & KJAER http://www.bkhome.com
Association française de normalisation (AFNOR) http://www.afnor.fr
- Vibrations des machines tournantes ou alternatives. Spécifications des appareils de mesurage de l'intensité vibratoire. - NF E 90-100 - 12-1985
- Surveillance et diagnostic des machines. Sur- (projet de norme) veillance des vibrations des machines. Partie 1 : procédures générales. - PR NF ISO 13373-1 - 7-2000
- Surveillance et diagnostic...
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