5. Conclusion
Evaluating and monitoring the criticality of equipment requires the implementation of metrics and performance indicators. They provide industrial company managers with dashboards to enable them to take corrective action if results fall short of objectives. They have two families of indicators at their disposal: impact indicators enabling them to observe the results of their decisions, and activity indicators to influence the effectiveness of their proactive organizational strategies. The definition of performance indicators implies a very thorough reflection on the objectives expected from their use. Poorly defined objectives lead to ineffective and often useless indicators. Three steps are essential in the process of developing indicators: reliable collection of raw data, choice of metrics and calculation of the indicator value. For conventional business sectors, the choice of indicators...
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RELIASOFT, 2013 Synthesis S. Eastside Loop, Tucson, AZ 85710-6703, USA http://www.reliasoft.com
ITEM, 2013, Tool Kit Suite – Reliability Analysis Software http://www.itemsoft.com/item_toolkit.html
ALD, 2013, RAM Commander,...
INERIS website on risk regulation http://www.ineris.fr/aida/
Website of SMRP, The Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals http://www.smrp.org
Website of the institute of the institute for risk management-operational safety-management...
Standards and norms
- Environmental management systems – Requirements and guidelines for use - ISO 14001 - 2004
- Systèmes de gestion de santé et sécurité professionnelles. Exigences - BS OHSAS 18001 - 2007
- Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems – International Labour Office - ILO-OSH 2001 - 2001
- Medical devices – Applying risk management to medical devices - NF EN ISO 14971 - 01-13
- Railway...
Decree no. 2001-1016 of November 5, 2001 creating a document relating to the assessment of risks to workers' health and safety.
Arrêté du 29 septembre 2005 relatif à l'évaluation et à la prise en compte de la probabilité d'occurrence, de la cinétique, de l'intensité des effets et de la gravité des conséquences des accidents potentiels dans les études de dangers des installations classées soumises à...
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