2. Key features of the SA8000 standard
2.1 SA8000 requirements
2.1.1 First eight chapters based on ILO conventions
The first eight chapters of the SA8000 standard are :
child labour (Ch. 1) – ILO C138, C182, R146 ;
forced and compulsory labour (Ch. 2) – ILO C29, C105 ;
health and safety (Ch. 3) – OIT C155, R164 ;
discrimination (Ch. 4) – OIT C100, C111;
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Key features of the SA8000 standard
IFME – Institute for Ethical Business Management :
ILO – International Conventions :
SAI – Social Accountability International:
...Standards and norms
- Lignes directrices relatives à la responsabilité sociétale. ISO/WT 26000. - ISO 26000 -
- Social Accountability 8000. - SA8000 - 2008
- Guidance document for Social Accountability. - 8000.SAI - (2004)
- Abridged Guidance. SAI. - SA8000 - (2011)
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