Article | REF: AG8047 V1

Urban Distribution Centers: concept and issues

Author: Philippe BOSSIN

Publication date: September 10, 2017

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2. Community action levers

2.1 Regulatory leverage

The regulatory aspect is the most important, and the one most accessible to local authorities through their usual powers (in particular, the mayor's police powers).

Articles L. 2212-1, L. 2212-2, L. 2213-1, L. 2213-2 and L. 2213-3 of the French General Code of Local Authorities (Code général des collectivités territoriales) entrust the mayor with the performance of municipal policing duties, including traffic and parking enforcement, with the aim of "ensuring public order, safety and health". As such, he can restrict or, on the contrary, encourage the free circulation and parking of commercial vehicles (seeNote).

Note :

the provisions of the MAPTAM and NOTRe laws make it...

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