There are three main synthetic routes for the preparation of artificial apatites. It is now possible to custom-synthesize a large number of formulas, of which the table
gives an overview.
Dry process
In the case of a reaction by the dry route, i.e. in the solid phase, synthesis generally involves heating a reaction mixture composed of various solid salts containing the anions and cations chosen in proportions optimized for each situation. The reaction involved can be represented (in the case of divalent Me cations, tetravalent XO
and monovalent Y anions) by:
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(1) - BEEVERS (C.A.), McINTYRE (D.B.) -
Atomic structure of fluor-apatite and its relation to tooth and bone materials.
Miner. Mag. 27, p. 254-257 (1946).
(2) -
International Tables of Crystallography.
Vol A, Kluver Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (1996).
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