La compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) est devenue un paramètre important à prendre en compte lors d'un projet industriel faisant intervenir de l'électronique de signal ou de puissance. Dans cet article, sont détaillés les principaux phénomènes de perturbations électromagnétiques naturelles et artificielles, comme la foudre, les décharges électrostatiques ou les activités industrielles. Sont également décrits les procédés d'analyse de la CEM : il s'agit ici d'analyses conduites sur chaque système constituant l'installation au moyen de la détermination de plusieurs paramètres, parmi eux le niveau de perturbations émises, le niveau d'immunité et les affaiblissements.
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François COSTA : Emeritus Professor in Paris Est Créteil University - Former director and Researcher at the SATIE laboratory, ENS Paris-Saclay
This article provides an introduction to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). After presenting the notions of electromagnetic environment and compatibility, the main phenomena of natural and artificial electromagnetic disturbances are described, giving a few examples and considering the coupling of emitted disturbances (conducted and radiated) to their "victims". Until very recently, EMC has been approached from an experimental, even empirical angle, and it is now becoming necessary to predict EMC effects in equipment or systems by calculation. A few significant examples and some thoughts on simulation tools will help illustrate the methodologies specific to the EMC field.
This article is the first in a series dedicated to studying the various facets of this vast field, which concerns all low- and high-power electrical and electronic devices and systems, over a frequency range from a few hertz to a few tens of gigahertz (GHz). A number of articles are offered, based on the following general items:
EMC measurements and standards ;
transmission of conducted and radiated disturbances ;
electromagnetic (EM) effects of lightning ;
EMC in the field of high currents ;
EMC of electronic boards ;
methods and tools for conducted and radiated EMC simulations, from subsystems to complex systems ;
means of reducing electromagnetic interferences: filtering, shielding.
- Version archivée 1 de févr. 2000 par Guy-Gérard CHAMPIOT
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1. The need and purpose of CEM
1.1 Electromagnetic disturbances and interferences
The electromagnetic environment has become one of the parameters to be taken into account in any industrial project involving signal or power electronics, in the same way as thermal management or mechanical stress management.
This has to be taken into account at the design stage, taking into account the final integration of the product in a system. The factors taken into consideration – EM radiation, conduction and immunity – need to be understood very precisely: to this end, the contribution of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) CAD software tools has become virtually indispensable. Electrical and/or electronic devices don't usually work isolated from each other’s. Electromagnetic energy, carried by currents or electromagnetic fields, can unintentionally cross their boundaries, either to enter or to escape, via different access points. Figure 1 illustrates this situation.
Electromagnetic energy picked up unintentionally by an electrical and/or electronic system can cause disruption to its operation. This disturbance, or electromagnetic interference (EMI), can range from a simple annoyance, such as crackling in a radio receiver, to momentary or permanent loss of system functionality.
Electromagnetic interference can affect sensitive equipment in a number of ways:
by the envelope (or housing) defined as "the physical boundary of the device through which electromagnetic fields can radiate or diffract";
cable access "the point at which a conductor or cable is connected to the device, e.g. access via signal terminals, control terminals and power terminals". (EN 50082-2 standard).
Electromagnetic stress can occur on a single device as well as on a system containing electrical and/or electronic components.
A system is an association of several devices designed to accomplish a given task, and intended to be marketed as an individualized functional entity. This point of view is now widely adopted by the industry: an equipment supplier must deliver a functional system that meets public or customer-specific EMC standards. The automotive and aeronautics sectors, with their equipment suppliers and manufacturers, are prime examples of this evolution. From an electromagnetic point of view, the system comprises all interacting elements, and is limited by mechanical (housings, shielding) or electrical (filters) decoupling devices. Auxiliary power supplies are part of the system, and are therefore subject to the same types of constraints as those applied to the equipment itself. Moreover, when the function requires equipment to be distributed, the connections (cables, cables, etc.) between the various pieces of equipment are part of the system.
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The need and purpose of CEM
(1) - DEGAUQUE (P.), HAMELIN (J.) - Compatibilité électromagnétique – Bruits et perturbations radioélectriques. - Collection technique et ingénierie, Dunod, ISBN 2-10-004209-2, 654 p. (2000).
(2) - CHAROY (A.) - Compatibilité électromagnétique. - Dunod Tech., Éditions de la radio, ISBN 2-10-001438-2, 679 p. (1992).
(3) - MARDIGUIAN (M.) - Manuel pratique de CEM. - Hermès Science Publications, 430 p. (2003).
(4) - CHAMPIOT (G.G.), BLANCHET (P.), BOURQUIN (P.), CAZAUDEBAT (H.), DEPARIS (P.A.), GUILLERY (P.), LEOST (J.Y.), MENDES (A.), OTT (R.), PANNIER (A.), REY (C.), WENDLING (J.), DELOUX (P.), DRUGEON (J.L.) - Les perturbations électriques et électromagnétiques – Conception et amélioration des installations industrielles et tertiaires. - Collection Electra – Dopee 85/EDF Centre français de l'électricité, ISBN 2-86995-018-76 – Prix Sadi-Carnot 1993, 16 références , 371 p. (1991).
(5) - PICHON (L.) - Compatibilité...
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