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Cali summit placed biodiversity on ‘equal footing’ with climate crisis: COP16 president to AFP

Posté le par AFP

The world’s biggest nature protection conference, under way in Cali, has placed biodiversity loss « on an equal footing » with the climate emergency, the meeting’s Colombian president told AFP on Monday.

« I think we have already achieved a first objective which was to raise the political profile of the… issue of biodiversity, put it on an equal footing with the… climate issue, » Susana Muhamad, also Colombia’s environment minister, said of progress made.

The 16th so-called Conference of Parties (COP16) to the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity, has attracted a record 23,000 registered delegates and some 1,200 journalists to Cali, according to organizers.

Thousands of activists and residents have also flocked to the so-called « green zone » for cultural activities.

On Tuesday, 115 ministers and six heads of state will join the conference to add impetus to negotiations seeking agreement on monitoring and funding mechanisms to achieve 23 UN nature protection goals agreed in Canada two years ago.

« Tous droits de reproduction et de représentation réservés. © 2024 Agence France-Presse. »

Posté le par AFP

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